Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Breastfeeding mothers who consumed Codeine Could Harm The baby

Codeine is a drug element to relieve pressure and pain. Recent research carried out in Canada showed that breast-feeding mothers who take drugs containing Codeine could actually endanger the health of their babies.
This study shows that mothers who have certain genetic tendencies can process Codeine to morphine is much faster than normal habits. It can harm the central nervous system of infants.

In some cases, the threat of an overdose of morphine can indeed be overcome if the woman concerned to stop the treatment. But not for women who have a genetic weakness. For them, the continuous consumption of Codeine and morphine on the accumulation of the baby's body systems can lead to excessive drowsiness, respiratory problems, could even end in death.

What is Codeine?
According to experts, Codeine itself has no effect for pain relief. That happens is, when a drug addict or the person experiencing the pain consuming Codeine, his body changing  the elements into morphine and combat this pain.   

How You Know That Codeine No Harm For Your Baby?
That's the problem ... in general, it is difficult to know.

It is only women who have certain genetic flaws that can harm the health of breastfeeding infants, but it is difficult for you to know this early weakness. You can only do genetic testing, but genetic testing is very difficult, as not including standardized tests.

Therefore, to be safe, should the mothers who are nursing babies are not eating at all ... Codeine

Jumat, 20 April 2012

Brain Development in Premature Babies

Brain growth in preterm infants are usually not perfect. The factors that cause the premature infants, it is likely to also inhibit the growth of the brain either during pregnancy or after birth.
Redistribution of fetal blood flow, signs of placental insufficiency can cause a smaller brain volume in preterm infants. In this condition, the fetus directs most of the blood flow to his brain.

Level of premature affect risk of brain injury.

The experts argue that placental inflammation may result in brain injury in premature infants. About 45% of premature infants was experiencing inflammation of the placenta. 
However, inflammation of placenta is not the only major cause of brain injury or impaired brain growth in infants. Premature level greatly affects the level of actual risk of brain injury.

Well, for parents who have premature babies, it is always wise to systematically monitor the progress of their babies. It is hoped that appropriate treatment can be done to protect the baby's brain growth.  

why the baby's first word was mama and papa?

Most babies say the word 'Mama' and 'Papa' as their first utterance. You know why? Some scientists try to explain the scientific explanation ..
Clearly, Mom and Dad are the ones who have always been around babies, so little attention focused on them. Well, it turns out, a variety of languages ​​around the world simplify the process of getting this pronunciation for the baby, to make a call to my father and mother using a repeated pattern of sounds.

This is just some examples.
Brain Research in Newborns

To arrive at this conclusion, brain research has been carried out on 22 newborns aged 2-3 days. While their brains were observed, the researchers running the recording of words without meaning to these babies. This recording contains words that sound repetitive and also the words that are not repeated. Everything is meaningless.

Apparently, the
baby's left front brain activity looks increases each time recording the repeated words  (repetitive) is played. In contrast, no repeated words showed no signs of baby's brain response.

In adults who are right-handed,
the center of language skills are at the left brain. This is consistent with the results of research on infants and reinforce the theory that humans are born with the ability to learn their  native language systematically and efficiently.

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Carefully Choosing Your Baby Sleep Location !

location of the baby is sleeping can not be underestimated. it is very important. Where does your baby should be put to sleep? Do the same bed or in bed with your own?

Experts disagree about which one is the best ..

Some experts say that your baby should be put to sleep in separate beds, because then the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome can be minimized.

Some of them rejected this argument. Those who reject the opinion that with respect to some ethical, lull baby bed with his mother does not endanger his life. Even many of the benefits to be gained by the baby and the mother, which can grow a tangle of love and trust are stronger.

So, Where Should You Practice?

Actually, it depends on your comfort as a mother. Clearly, if you want your baby to bed the same bed with you so you can easily breastfeed, there are some things you should consider:

     Lay your baby in a supine position
     Put the baby close to her mother, not between mothers and fathers
     Arrange for your child not to fall due to roll out of bed
     Sleep in king-sized bed
     Use your common sense

Do not sleep in a bed with your baby if:

     Your body fat large alias
     You are in a state of exhausted
     You are a smoker
     You sleep on the sofa or waterbed
     You are a baby sitter
     Together with other children and the baby he was not yet 9 months
     You wear jewelry or clothing that could strangle your baby

my baby is my hero

my baby is my hero.